Why I Write 2.0

Why I Write
I first started blogging in September of 2011. It had been something I heard about and some people even told me it was something I should try when I told them about my writing. But it wasn’t until that first day of AP Comp that I actually made it. It was called “Write Away”, and my reader base consisted of my teacher and sometimes my classmates. This was the first time I was forced to articulate why I write. Up until this assignment I hadn’t thought of it that much. Why do I write?
In 2011 I wrote this small post with seemingly banal reasons of why I write, essentially saying, because I like to, because I want to get better, and because it helps me keep my thoughts straight. At that time all of those things might have been true. All I knew was that I enjoyed spending hours in front of an empty page or blank document. I could carefully craft sentences to create meaning, and that made me feel powerful. Most of my writing up until AP Comp was fictional–I spent hours upon hours dreaming up characters and plot lines that sometimes I imagined myself in these made up worlds.
The semester after AP Comp I took a creative writing class. One day we were going around our usual circle talking about what we wanted to do with our lives. In AP Comp I had finally overcome my fear of being a writer, and decided to admit that I enjoyed it, despite the negative stigma often associated with choosing a “creative path”. I wrote my final paper about my decision to become a writer, and ditching my dreams to be a doctor. My final line was something like, “Just call me Dr. Wordsmith.” I had come to terms with my decision to follow my dreams, even if that meant sacrificing the stability that came with going into a field like medicine–or so I thought. That day my creative writing teacher asked me what I wanted to do I said, “My ultimate dream would be to do something in the film industry, but that isn’t really possible…so, I don’t know yet.”
She looked at me funny and said, “Why not?”
I had never told anyone that I had this kind of dream before, and I definitely didn’t expect that kind of response. The possibility of making it in the world of film seemed so daunting (still does) that I wrote it off before I let myself really want it. But when she questioned me I didn’t really have a good reason not to do it. If telling people that I wanted to be a writer was difficult, admitting that I dreamed to make movies someday seemed next to impossible. Yet, once I got it out there I allowed myself to accept this dream–it was a challenge that I was ready to take on. Again, or so I thought.
Last November I wrote a post “Ten Thousand Hours” about my dedication to my passion. But I struggle with my goals every day. I worry that I am not good enough. I worry what other people think about my dreams. I worry about what it will be like if I actually try to go after my dreams. I worry that I will fail. I worry that the people who doubted me along the way will be there to say, “I told you so.” I worry that these people exist–but I think I create most of the doubt. We really can be our own worst enemies.
Hey Girl Ryan Gosling
Custom “Hey Girl”
However, these doubts and worries fuel my passion even more. They push me to get my writing out there. They push me to prove myself (if only to myself). They push me to keep going, even if I am busy or drained from the day.
A year ago, I wrote about someone telling me that I wouldn’t make money from writing and I should keep it as a hobby. And it stung. It made me feel like I wasn’t good enough–and it made me consider other options more seriously. That’s part of the reason I thought about becoming an engineer last fall. That person still thinks it is simply a hobby to me, and that I spend too much time blogging and writing. They think of it as a waste of time.
But that’s ok, because I think of it as happiness.
I write because:
  • It makes me happy.
  • At the end of a long day there is nothing I would rather do.
  • I want to maximize the time that I spend doing what makes me happy.
  • It’s something I can share with others.
  • I want to encourage other people to do what they love, and I want something I say to resonate with someone else. I want my words to mean something. 





4 responses to “Why I Write 2.0”

  1. Taylor Shiff Avatar

    Thank you so much Rachel. That makes me so happy to hear that you are following your passion as well! It is difficult, but like you said so many other people have made it happen. That's what I like to say when I go to the movies and see the scrolling credits at the end. I look at all of the names and know that one day my name could be up there, too, and that is really exciting. It means a lot to me to get a comment like this, so thank you! And I wish you the best in pursuing your dreams as well. As Always, Tay


  2. Rachel Avatar

    We've all had those dreams that seem so far out of reach that they'd be impossible to achieve, and therefore, embarrassed to tell anyone our secret desires. But so many other people have made it happen and you can, too. Don't let anyone stop you from pursuing your dreams. If you have the passion and the drive, you can make anything happen. And keep writing, girl! Anyone who says it's a waste of time is crazy! It's something you love and it's a creative outlet for you, so keep doing it!For me, I didn't realize writing was my passion until it came time to choose my major before entering college. Up until then, I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life. The journalism and writing classes I took only reaffirmed that passion for me. It's what I love to do and life is too short to spend your days doing something you hate.Rachelthehautenotes.com


  3. TayShiff Avatar

    Thanks Gina! Your comment means a lot to me, and I really appreciate it. 🙂 It definitely is a challenge, but I home that I really can accomplish my goals. I am loving your blog as well!


  4. Gina Alyse Avatar

    Wow, this is amazing, Taylor! I loved hearing your journey with writing. I took a creative writing class in my junior year of high school and it's what make me start a blog. I love what you say about making your words me something. And I think it's amazing that you want to go into film! I know it's so hard to think that we can actually accomplish our dreams or at least go in the direction of our hopes and dreams for the future. (Like you said, it was hard to let yourself have that dream) I think so many people can relate. But if enough people are truly pursuing their dreams in life, the world would be a different place! I would say go after it, girl! Let your words and your life mean something and inspire others! I am already loving your blog and your words — I can't wait to follow along more with you! xo, gina


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